AppPrSetup Printer Setup Form1, PrinterLabel &Printer: OKCmd PrinterList CancelCmd Cancel SetupCmd &Setup... AppPrSetup Form_Click @ Form_Load RetStr2 RetStr2Size GetProfileString Buffer BufferSize' OKCmd_Click RetStr( RetStrSize DriverName PortName DoPrinterSetupU AppMain) PrinterName App_PrSetupTitle Caption AppPrSetupTitle ListCount PrinterList0 ListIndex BufSize driver LoadPrinterList PrName PrNum SetupCmd_Click CancelCmd_Click[ Remove_Items_from_Sysmenu PrinterList_Click7 PrinterList_DblClick OKCmd Click App_PrinterName App_DriverName App_PortName SelPrName App_PrinterDriverM App_PrinterPort PrinterLabel_Click MB_ICONSTOP MB_ICONINFORMATION Place_DialogBox_in_Form LibHandle LoadLibrary Form1 FreeLibrary AppShellPrSetup MB_ICONEXCLAMATION APP_NAME handleP Form_Load Printer Setup" empty the printer list boxr if no currently selected printer, use the default windows" device Error" Error" get the new list of printers devices" Error" parse list and load list box number of printers loaded end index into buffer No Printers Found" highlight currently selected printer in list boxb OKCmd_Click Must select a printer" LoadPrinterList find out the driver name and port name devices" Error" SetupCmd_Click Must select a printer" determine printer to setups call app shell dll routine to display printer setup dialog boxl APPSHELL.DLL Can't run printer setup; please check your installation MsgBox "Can't find printer setup program;" + CRLF + "reason code =" + Str$(handle%) + ";" + CRLF + "please check your software installation", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, APP_NAME CancelCmd_Click PrinterList_DblClick